
बुधवार, 31 मई 2023

On Understanding

Great gems of wisdom, which we see plastered on any writable surface, real or virtual, mean nothing. Mostly these are useless pieces of information serving no purpose.

Understanding is not something which comes on a platter. Knowing is doing, experiencing, suffering, and to be precise, it is efforting. It is basic and basis without which no understanding can accrue to one.

Nonetheless, it is not sufficient. The structure of understanding comes from the eyes of the mind. One must have an informed and trained mind, and efforting must not exhaust that mind. Thereafter, the furnishing comes. That is articulating, expressing, and sharing ideas, and thus examining the validity of the idea.

Constructing the structure of understanding is a professional job. However, it is their job to go into real-life situations and feel the intensity of existential reality, and then only share their understanding with the addressee. Understanding is a conscious, enabled and collective effort.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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