
शुक्रवार, 5 मई 2023

Science Facts

For the first time in history, science facts race ahead of science fictions. They also surpass all previous imaginations of possibilities or even fantasies, most of the extra-natural stuff included. The rapidity with which new technologies become a mass utility is also astounding. At first, knowing about any new technology or application causes the same thrill or unease that an immersed reading of science fiction can cause. At the same time, the frequency with which new things are arriving the surprise element is also diminishing. Things become history by the weekend. 

All these are so exciting and assuring. Any new technology in the end helps commoners and gentle folks more, though initially, the power does try to appropriate the new in order to strengthen its position but thanks to capitalism it is becoming difficult day by day. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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