A liar, I see, does not treat their lies as lies. While lying, a liar believes that they are speaking only truths.
There is another set of people who readily believe a liar and their lies as truthful despite having the intellectual capability and resources for knowing what is true or untrue, and worse, despite knowing what is true or untrue.
How to make sense of this phenomenon?
This is utter helplessness or utter dependence on others for such fundamental things as survival, which make people truthful liars or truthful believers in lies. This is a result of either a non-existent collective self or a misconstrued collective agency.
Social sciences are a vital necessity for human beings as they are connected-organisational species. Remaining unorganised or disorganised puts a community in peril. And, they must know that they are not fighting their ignorances and ignoramuses alone, but, more dangerously, they face a play of pseudosciences and such 'scientists'.
Niraj Kumar Jha
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