
शनिवार, 15 जून 2024

Anticolonialism and Postcolonialism

First, let me define these two terms for the sake of clarity. I would welcome being corrected if they are off the mark.

Anticolonialism was an ideological project and action plan for exposing colonial designs, legitimacy, and hegemony; and seeking national liberation from colonial rule.

Postcolonialism is a philosophical enterprise and programme for national reconstruction after the colonial devastation for redeeming dignity in people's living conditions and an egalitarian world order. Postcolonial theoreticians have uncovered the continued sway of colonial epistemology and institutions denying autonomy and agency to the decolonised world. 
The postcolonialism programme is proving to be trickier. Earlier they relied on Bolshevism, but being a deceptive doctrine of liberation it failed all its adherents and even its homeland. Postcolonialism needs new consciousness and fresh imagination. We need the significance of self-educated people in numbers.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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