
मंगलवार, 16 जुलाई 2024

Who is an idiot?

Originally, idiocy meant disinterestedness towards public affairs. As such it is still a valid categorisation of unworthy people. Nowadays, it is a word to demean people by swearing that they are of discrepant mental state. On the contrary, the word betrays a discrepant social order instead. It works as follows in the next paragraph.

A superior in any setting castigates those people as idiots who do not comprehend their wishes and obey duly. Idiocy is not the intrinsic lack of quality, it is a relative disadvantageous positional vulnerability of getting humiliated. A person with a slavish mentality and machine-like efficiency is considered intelligent. A more humane and natural human person may be held as an idiot. In the general social milieu a person not at home in the mainstream ideology is seen as an idiot.

Are 'wise' people, who see others as idiots, wise? If you are not an idiot in the original sense, i.e. lacking in public interest, you know now that such people are not truly wise.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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