While global politics reverberates with polemics and manoeuvres of a century-vintage, global life leaps farther into the future. Times push individuals to be their own and, at the same time, expose the pitfalls of collective impositions and the grave dangers they pose to humanity. To the saner souls, the gigantic human formations do not inspire awe but engender disgust. They wish for a rule-based global order and barrierless borders. Nonetheless, they do not wish nations to go away but see them countervail any possibility of global tyranny. Internationalism, not globalism, they wish for.
Humanism is in the offing to define humanity in its true spirit. Everything and being would be reduced or enlarged to their exact size. Larger-than-life images and life-dwarfing ideas overwhelming human consciousness so far would not be able to delude human eyes. We can see a world of humanity in the foreseeable future.
Niraj Kumar Jha
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