
शनिवार, 10 जून 2023

Speculating on Wisdom

  Intelligence may be, but the wisdom I think is not for ego gratification or personal glorification.  Wisdom may even not be about contentment or happiness. I guess, wisdom rests in understanding things and sharing them for the general good. And, it is about the feelings of pain and suffering or relief and happiness, not being placid, and more than anything it is about being one with others. Wisdom does not seek special treatment for the bearer or impose itself over others. It only seeks considerations of ideas for the betterment and does not propagate a better idea. At ideating, it is not about fixities but about possibilities. Though it is almost useless to talk about what you do not know, I think I can speculate on how wisdom works or on what a wise person may be like. I hope somebody can be of help in making me understand what wisdom really is.  

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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