
रविवार, 25 जून 2023


    Earlier, truths came from royal mints. Now, anyone can forge these. It is the age of the Internet. Cryptos compete with fiats.
    We all know its downsides. These have been appropriated to castigate the phenomenon in totality as post-truth. But the totality contains something larger.
    Truths need to compete to prevail. Or still better, there is no truth which can claim supremacy.
    More on the brighter side, it is very difficult for the untruths to sustain. People have now the whole ocean of knowledge accessible if they are not debarred from full access to the internet.
    It is the post-untruth age.
    Truths never had better times than they have today. With so many filters, people somehow find them no matter where they are kept hidden.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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