
शनिवार, 3 जून 2023

Existential Ideology

A political community necessarily has an ideology, an interdependent and integrated set of ideas, though it may be relatively static or dynamic. It differs from political philosophy and theology, the latter often intermingling with the former, in the sense that it is an official and largely agreed-upon system of ideas.  Here, I have put ideology in a different context. Here, it is not exactly a deliberately created identifiable set of ideas for setting up a 'redemptive' order and running the same. The ideology which I am talking about here is of a generic type and is an unavoidable part of life.  

An ideology does speak to a community and its ecology, but it may not be objective, rational or sufficiently compatible with the same. More often, it is ideology, which defines and even shapes a phenomenon as per its own tenets than the intrinsic nature of it doing so. 

However, I underscore that ideas of objectivity, rationality, compatibility, and intrinsic nature of a phenomenon, terms I have used above, are quite fluid. 

Nonetheless, there are parameters which very objectively map levels of dehumanization or fulfilment, and individual sense organs do respond to physical pains and pleasures. There are widespread trends of people escaping to other places often risking their lives and uncertainties of an alien land. Basically, the reason for a people's discomfort and turmoil is invariably rooted in the ideology which governs them. 

Ideology as defined above is a fundamental constituent of life. It makes a nation happy and prosperous or otherwise may put it in serious trouble. 

How to avoid the pitfalls of an ideology or a faulty ideology altogether.  The remedy lies in the freedom of expression and in global connectivity. Certain ideologies, therefore, steadfastly curb any freedom and connectivity.

Fulfilment has never been an easy choice. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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