
शनिवार, 13 जनवरी 2024

Scholar-Knowledge Relationship

 Based on the relationship between scholars and knowledge, one may classify scholars into two categories. The first category of scholars views the discipline of their engagement as sacrosanct and seeks to propagate whatever they decipher from their learning for the observance by whom they address. They see themselves as subjects of the discipline and work with a sense of devotion to the fashionable precepts of their respective disciplines. These are devout scholars. 

The other or second category of scholars are those who master their respective disciplines. Their approach to the discipline is secular and utilitarian. Instead of being driven by knowledge, they use knowledge for the common good, including their own good. 

The first categories of scholars are necessarily products of societies which have disturbed or ruptured histories yet to be overcome. Their collective vision is split, and they do not have a coherent perspective of what they view or review. They also lack in their efforts for the reason of the absence of sufficient motivation to know the ins and outs of the body of knowledge they engage with as they face mostly a demeaning milieu. For them, there always remains something mysterious in the body of knowledge they encounter mostly as a result of their incompetence. This incites a devotion in their minds instead of challenging their reason. Underdevelopment is a matter of the lack of seriousness in scholarly vocations. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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