
बुधवार, 30 मार्च 2022

Reflection and Expression

A distinction can be made between reflecting and expressing and should be made. If such a distinction is kept in mind, it would be helpful in improving public discourse. Mostly, people while writing or speaking in a solemn mode, try to impress others. In such endeavours, they rely mindlessly on the words of people who they perceive as greats or high-sounding phraseologies. This may be called reflection: one simply reflects without understanding or adding to the idea. They seek to bask in the reflected glory and expect others to praise the light they seemingly emanate. These do contribute to the public good, but very little, and on the flip side, these mislead. For instance, one can be reminded of this: 'The executive of the modern state is nothing but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie.'

The expression occurs when you speak your own heart and mind, you speak of your experiences: of your pain, agony, happiness, and excitement; of the treatments you get at the hands of others: good, bad, or ugly;  of the realisations of what you do to others. These are vitals of life but tragically we refrain from speaking about them. An expression may be called writings and speeches which expresses you, a living being, a feeling being, a sensible being. 

Yet, expressions again can be differentiated from egoistic hyperboles; those coming from persons who have the airs of personifying wisdom, and when they open their mouths, only gospel truths come out. The expression must be identified with the words of human beings, not with those of superhumans. 

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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