Let me first dwell on the epistemological crisis. The crisis is that there is epistemological chaos as no ideology is powerful enough to command people to some common purpose in any political unit or in any geography of size. This may be that people are moving from ideologism to objectivism, but without a compatible epistemology in place on the wider plane.
Despite the melee caused and made to happen by social media with other phenomena, all voices get to our ears and all concerns brush our consciousness, and with that humanity is at its highest in its ascendance so far. We indeed see strong waves and sometimes eruptions but quite opposite to what they are made out to be, these mark the surges of republican and secular sensibilities. Objectivism gets people to take parochial posings and garbs to resist parochialism as such. Now humanity speaks to its constituents without mediation and has every one of them to play the deserved role.
Niraj Kumar Jha
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