
गुरुवार, 31 मार्च 2022

$-Trillionisation of State Economies

Uttar Pradesh is drawing a roadmap to quadruple its SGDP in the next five years to $1 trillion. The goal is ambitious and the jury is out on its viability, but this is the most sensible thing to do in the present circumstances. The working of the roadmap, despite all the difficulties it would bring in or the lacunas it would have, would lead to clearing out much of the messy cobwebs all around, which make doing businesses and even simple living very challenging. Other bigger states must follow the suit if they wish to work in the national interest and make life worth livable for ordinary folks.
Why do I write on such topics?

I repeatedly post on such themes. Why do I do so, or post such things at all? I reason and find that it does not count at all; it is absolutely inconsequential.

But, as I reason, I believe too. And, I believe that any expression does have some cascading effect. However, this is not to say that what I say is worthwhile; rather it may not be of any worth at all. But, the thing is that I take the citizen, who is me, seriously. If I do not respect this citizen, how do I expect the republic to be a reality than remain a notion? I know self-respect is a debilitating burden, but the burden is worth bearing.

How does a true republic manifest itself amidst us? It manifests through the respect and trust we have for ourselves and in our relations with fellow citizens. Ironically, we lack in this abysmally. I see it invariably that it hurts people if one treats them with the respect of equality. Equality is rather the lone form of respect but people are genetically disinclined to see this as respectful. Whenever we meet any person, our immediate reaction is to place the person as a superior or an inferior. We do this placing even among our close relations and friends. I know that subjecthood is too deep-rooted but we can at least think about getting rid of this. 

We need to be serious, we cannot afford things doing otherwise. 

Niraj Kumar Jha

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