Holi is a celebration of bhakti or devotedness to the Supreme Being or simply the Being, as Dhamic spirituality does not accept the binary of the Ultimate and the immediate. Holi is a festive remembrance day of the victory of Prahlad's devotion over a demonic regime.
Holi in its form is very earthy. It is the festival of reconnecting with soil, kinfolks and others. It is about bonding and profanities, and in totality, about worldliness. It is a day of a massive pullback from transcendentalism. It is the uniqueness of Dhama that ensures a very happy blend of spirituality and living or ethereal and earthy.
Holi a Sanatani festival thus asserts the democratic spirit of the Indic traditions and living. Bhakti which Holi celebrates denies social hierarchies and the way celebrations take place cements its democratic message. It is a cultural expression of what modern sensibilities see as worldly, democratic and republicanism in place of otherworldly, hierarchic and monarchism respectively.
Holi encompasses happiness and auspiciousness. Holi greetings. No adjective with Holi.
Niraj Kumar Jha
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