
गुरुवार, 9 मार्च 2023

More Persons Know More

 We are living through the densest transformative phase of humanity's evolution. Among the myriad of changes happening, one is that each passing moment of these times gets more people to know more and makes them articulate their thoughts better. Information and communication technologies are getting better in terms of efficiency and accessibility, and thus things happen with more finesse and on a larger scale. For instance, translation tools break the barriers of dialogue among different cultures. 

Knowledge no longer remains the exclusive preserve of an elite, who mystified their knowledge and commanded subservience from others and privileges for themselves. Though, the larger population are still oblivious to the powers they have got. The lag happens but is short-lived. We are on the cusp of the unimagined democratisation of life.  

Niraj Kumar Jha 

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