The colonial epistemology created demeaning, divisive, and distorted representations of the Indic people. One of their epistemological tactics was to castigate or deny what was good and magnify or invent what could harm the long-term standing of the colonised India. Western metropoles continue their endeavours to maintain their global hegemony and privileges, and their epistemology remains weaponised. They are now confronted by other civilizational forces seeking global domination. The West defeated the earlier challenge posed by the Slavs armed with Bolshevism. The new challengers pose their opposition to the West as an apology for ideology but rely primarily on the economic scales, technology and open predation for their goal.
India in this context is working to meet both global epistemological and physical challenges. We need to consolidate our efforts for an effective epistemological strategy and devise a winning economic model.
Niraj Kumar Jha
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