
मंगलवार, 24 सितंबर 2024

Good or Grand

We do not long for good, but for better. Better is possible only amidst the goodness of the ecosystem. In a bad social setup good cannot happen, grand does occur. Goodness is for more and more people, grandeur is for less and less.

For a normal blissful life, generally, one desires and even strives but that deludes people in most cases; what is required for that is one is socially concerned and endeavours to have a scientific worldview and so merited having some involvement in social affairs.

Many people nurse the mistaken belief that the worst provides a turning point to a miraculous advance to good. They do not have any historical sense, a community and civilization may remain quagmired for centuries.

The takeaway is simple: you cannot be cavalier with public affairs. Seriousness and scientific temper are necessary if one wishes for a good life. Society has its laws, though highly fluid; that must be understood in terms of causations and consequences. Open mind and literary pursuits help and disciplines of Sociology, History, and Political Science provide special help.

Niraj Kumar Jha

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