सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चित् दुःखभाग् भवेत्
नीरज कुमार झा
मैं प्रस्तुत बीजलेख में दर्शन को इस तरह परिभाषित करता हूँ : दर्शन होने के अर्थ और उद्देश्य को नियत करने हेतु व्यवस्थित विचार है।
दर्शन का प्रभाव सकारात्मकअथवा नकारात्मक हो सकता है, या इसका कोई प्रभाव नहीं हो सकता है। यह बीजलेख निष्प्रभावी दर्शन को लेकर नहीं है।Intellectualism involves exercising the intellect to think and discuss issues based on reason rather than emotion. I add that even popular or prevalent notions should not weigh on it.
I treat intellectualism as a social ethos here; a general spirit imbuing public discourses and activities. In addition, it must be oriented to realise and discover the reality's connectedness; i.e. to a systemic vision.
Intellectualism is a critical factor that determines the goodness of the social state and its betterment. A nation's ability to hold its fair position and negotiate with the world on favourable terms primarily depends on its intellectual strength.
The quality and effectiveness of intellectualism in a community require an elaborate and intricate mechanism. Maintaining and updating this critical subsystem of the political system is a conscious intellectual exercise with mindful and ample investments. Imitated or imported intellectual schemas may lead to a surge but not sustain any programme. Only rooted intellectualism serves its purpose.
The very consciousness of the same is a critical necessity.
Niraj Kumar Jha
A widely prevalent misconception is that material realities condition human agency. This is true to some extent but in the most bland way. The cutting edge of human agencies is too often quite different and even opposite to what material conditions may dictate. Instincts and ideologies which drive human action more often than not defy the logic of the material.
Theologies and ideologies prove the point by their continuation through the ages and spread across geographies beyond their original ones.
The present-day world needs to cooperate unavoidably to tackle such grave issues like climate change and to run affairs of a more integrated world but it is conflicts, military and others, which overwhelm international relations. The world needs to rethink values which fashion human thinking and actions. Ideas are crucial and more effective agents of change. Let us ideate.
Niraj Kumar Jha
We do not long for good, but for better. Better is possible only amidst the goodness of the ecosystem. In a bad social setup good cannot happen, grand does occur. Goodness is for more and more people, grandeur is for less and less.
For a normal blissful life, generally, one desires and even strives but that deludes people in most cases; what is required for that is one is socially concerned and endeavours to have a scientific worldview and so merited having some involvement in social affairs.The scarcity or absence of good workable ideas has been endemic at most times and places and is the reason for too many avoidable human miseries.
Wealth concentration is a natural property of any active economic system. Capitalism is no different but offers a very effective way of offsetting the concentration of wealth. This may be community enterprises at the local level and cooperative capitalism on a larger scale. Many cooperatives are already doing very well in India. It needs to be extended to other complex entrepreneurial ventures.
The fact remains that ideology is unavoidable. Organisations need one, which works as the keel joining their principles and practices.
Wise people detest ideologies as they can see the play of ideologies fostering tyrannies and curbing individual freedoms.Ignorance is not about speechlessness or inaction. Rather, it is about disproportionate verbosity, discourses, and activism.
Niraj Kumar JhaSocial trends are difficult to analyse and theorise as they involve human beings and numbering too many. As it is, scholars can freely designate their fancies as theories in this domain. In the larger social context, it is difficult to prove anything and it is more difficult to disprove that thing. In social scholarship, the credentials and craft of the scholar matter, not the worth of the statement.
Niraj Kumar JhaCooperatives can be the most wonderful way to organise social life and ensure dignified livelihoods provided these are voluntary and mutual. Business cooperatives for any economic activity can immensely benefit all its members and compete well with even giant corporations. In particular, milk cooperatives and self-help groups in India have amply proved this. The way can be extended to social living by integrating individuals and families into caring communities. However, it would require setting norms for combining individual freedom and community responsibilities and a smooth procedure for joining and exiting a community.
Cooperatives fit perfectly in a capitalist order as the cooperatives may work as productive units of the economy while doing away with many probable ills of capitalist centralisation or even democratic centralisation.
Niraj Kumar Jha
कथारूप में जीवन का निरापद प्रतिनिधित्व लगभग असंभव है। अधिकतर कथाएँ (विशेषकर मनोरंजन उद्योग के द्वारा प्रयुक्त कथाओं की प्रकृति) एक विशेष व्यक्ति पर केंद्रित होती हैं, और अन्य सभी जन और परिस्थितियाँ उस चरित्र की केन्द्रीयता को पोषित करती हैं। समस्त को एक व्यक्ति के हेतु निमित्त के रूप में निरूपण जीवन की वास्तविकता का विरूपण है। यह कथाकार की आत्मकेंद्रीयता और अहमन्यता की प्रवृत्ति के प्रतिबिंबन के फलस्वरूप और लक्षित उपभोक्ताओं के समान भावनाओं की तुष्टि के लिए होता है। इसका दुष्परिणाम है; यह पाठकों और दर्शकों के दृष्टिकोण को संकुचित करता है। वह स्वयं को नायक में स्थित करते हुए कथा को ग्रहण करता है और अन्य को हेतु के रूप में देखता है। इस कारण से उसमें संवेदना और अन्य के प्रति सम्मान का भाव नकारात्मक रूप से प्रभावित होता है और वह हमेशा कुंठाग्रस्त रह सकता है। एक सुधी व्यक्ति को कथाकारिता की सीमाओं की भिज्ञता रखनी चाहिए और उसे इससे अन्य को अवगत कराना चाहिए।
नीरज कुमार झा
ज्ञानी होना कोई स्थिति नहीं है, यह ज्ञानार्जन की प्रवृत्ति है। यह सीखते रहने की निरन्तरता है। ज्ञानी होने का प्रधान पक्ष कुशल होना नहीं, जिज्ञासु होना है। कार्यकुशलता और विनम्रता ज्ञानवान होने के स्वाभाविक लक्षण हैं। वैसे सीखना किसी व्यक्ति के लिए प्राकृतिक प्रक्रिया है, लेकिन यह सीख परिस्थितियों से अवगत होना मात्र है। ज्ञान का संबंध परिस्थितियों की व्यापक समझ से है, जो परिस्थितियों के कारण-परिणामों के रूप में विभाजित करने और उसपर कार्य करते हुए समस्यामूलक स्थितियों का निवारण और सुधार को लेकर है। इस तरह का सीखना स्वाभाविक नहीं है, इसके लिए काफी प्रयत्न करना होता है। सीखने का कौशल प्राप्त करना प्रयास के क्रम में कभी एकाएक होता है या फिर कभी नहीं होता है।
नीरज कुमार झा